Synonyms Starting with R


  • Represent Synonyms: impersonate, enact, play, perform, portray, mime, mimic, pantomime, counterfeit.symbolize, express, exemplify, typify, depict, stand for, denote, mean, betoken, indicate, embody, signalize, illustrate
  • Representation Synonyms: argument, presentation, proof, thesis, demonstration, evidence, argumentation, polemics, demagogy, propaganda, position, proposition, doctrine, ism, line, pitch.likeness, symbol, type, model, specimen
  • Representative Synonyms: delegate, agent, deputy, envoy, proxy, emissary, legislator, lawmaker, substitute, surrogate, backup, alternate, second, legate, ambassador, appointee, advocate, ombudsman.characteristic, typical, sym
  • Repress Synonyms: restrain, control, inhibit, stifle, block, hamper, hinder, leash, squelch, hold back, hold in, hamstring, swallow, suppress, check, sit on, curb.put down, quell, quash, subdue, overpower, vanquish, ce
  • Repression Synonyms: subjugation, domination, censorship, mastery, suppression, tyranny, regimentation, quashing, prohibition, subjection, defeat, coercion, control, domination, bondage, constraint, duress.
  • Reprieve Synonyms: remit, relieve, suspend, stay, abate, alleviate, relax, respite, exonerate, remand, slacken, pardon.suspension, respite, abeyance, breather, breathing spell, alleviation, mitigation, truce, amnesty, c
  • Reprimand Synonyms: reprove, censure, rebuke, reproach, chide, admonish, scold, chastise, upbraid, take to task, find fault with, reprehend, tell off, chew out.reproof, rebuke, reproach, scolding, condemnation, censure,
  • Reprisal Synonyms: counterattack, counterblow, countermove, counteroffensive, retaliation, retribution, revenge, vengeance, repayment, requital, tit for tat, lex talionis, revanchism.
  • Reproach Synonyms: blame, rebuke, charge, chide, take to task, criticize, reprimand, chastise, reprove, scold, disapprove of, call to account, accuse, chew out.reproof, charge, censure, criticism, disapproval, lecture,
  • Reprobate Synonyms: depraved, corrupt, profligate, debauched, abandoned, immoral, sinful, unprincipled, roguish, shameless, dissolute, degenerate, evil, wicked, irredeemable, damned.condemn.profligate, degenerate, wastre
  • Reproduce Synonyms: copy, redo, remake, recreate, reflect, repeat, duplicate, reprint, trace, mirror, echo, match, transcribe, photocopy, recast.breed, bear, procreate, multiply, clone, proliferate, generate, beget, prop
  • Reproduction Synonyms: copy, facsimile, remake, print, lithograph, tracing, replica, photocopy, recording, record, tape, transcript.propagation, insemination, fertilization, cloning, spawning, hatching, laying, dropping, fi
  • Reproductive Synonyms: generative, sexual, progenitive, genitive, genital, procreative, germinative, propagative, life-giving.
  • Reproof Synonyms: censure, reproach, reprimand, rebuke, admonition, blame, scolding, chastisement, punishment, faultfinding, tongue lashing, dressing down, disapproval, denunciation, condemnation, scorn, disdain.
  • Reprove Synonyms: disapprove of, condemn, sneer at, disdain, disparage, frown on, run down, belittle, discredit, object to, take a dim view of, knock, put down.censure, reproach, reprimand, rebuke, chastise, punish, sc
  • Repudiate Synonyms: cast off, disown, discard, divorce, renounce, cut off, ignore, disregard, dismiss, exile, banish, relegate, dodge.reject, disclaim, contravene, abjure, revoke, deny, gainsay, protest, override, repeal
  • Repugnance Synonyms: aversion, dislike, loathing, detestation, antipathy, distaste, displeasure, repulsion, revulsion, abhorrence, disgust, animosity, hostility, reluctance, unwillingness.
  • Repugnant Synonyms: repulsive.
  • Repulse Synonyms: repel.rebuff, snub, coldshoulder, put off, reject, disdain, ignore, disregard, discountenance, discomfit.repel, drive back, push back, beat off, withstand, counteract, check, stop, halt, thwart, rout,
  • Repulsive Synonyms: forbidding, off-putting, aloof, austere, snobbish, unfriendly, unsympathetic, distant, cold, icy, remote, unapproachable, unresponsive, repellent.repugnant, repellent, disgusting, obnoxious, loathsome
  • Reputable Synonyms: estimable, honorable, notable, honored, esteemed, respected, reliable, upright, respectable, scrupulous, trustworthy, well-regarded, honest, dependable, unimpeachable, trusted.
  • Reputation Synonyms: name, repute, standing, regard, odor, esteem, estimation, reliability, honor, honesty, report, note, fame, prominence, stature.
  • Repute Synonyms: reputation.
  • Reputed Synonyms: considered, supposed, accepted, estimated, seeming, accounted, regarded, judged, assumed, reported, putative, ostensible, apparent.
  • Request Synonyms: ask for, petition, requisition, apply, appeal, solicit, seek, invoke, desire, pray, wish, importune, entreat, beseech, beg, plead.desire, favor, want, need, answer, wish, requirement, requisition, pet