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Abandon Antonyms: restraint, caution, prudence, self-control, mindfulness, deliberation.embrace, cling to, adhere to, stick by, remain with, stay with, continue.Abandoned Antonyms: moral, chaste, virtuous, respectable, repressed, priggish, puritanical.cherished, befriended, cared for, accepted, loved.Abase Antonyms: elevate, raise, uplift, exalt, honor, dignify.Abash Antonyms: increase, grow, intensify, strengthen, heighten, quicken.relax, put at ease, comfort, nerve, hearten, abateAbbreviate Antonyms: enlarge, expand, increase, lengthen, inflate, supplement.Abbreviation Antonyms: expansion, enlargement, lengthening, increase, dilation, extension.Abet Antonyms: discourage, deter, disapprove, undermine, check, frustrate.Abeyance Antonyms: continuity, continuation, incessancy, ceaselessness.Ability Antonyms: incompetence, ineptitude, weakness, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, inadequacy.Abjure Antonyms: maintain, uphold, embrace, cling to, persist in, swear by.Able Antonyms: incompetent, inadequate, unqualified, unfit, inefficient, weak.Abnormal Antonyms: normal, usual, standard, natural, ordinary, everyday, typical.Abolish Antonyms: establish, build, create, inaugurate, institute.Abortive Antonyms: effective, rewarding, successful, fruitful, profitable.Aboveboard Antonyms: sneaky, underhand, covert, wily, devious, equivocal, ambiguous.Abrasive Antonyms: soothing, mollifying, comforting, gentle, agreeable, pleasant, abreast of beside.Abridge Antonyms: expand, enlarge, lengthen, detail.Abridgment Antonyms: enlargement, expansion, inflation, lengthening.Abrupt Antonyms: expected, anticipated, foreseen.gracious, smooth, gentle, warm.Absence Antonyms: presence, attendance, appearance, existence.sufficiency, adequacy, completeness, abundance.Absent Antonyms: present, at home, on the premises, available.attentive, aware, alert, with it, tuned in.Absent-minded Antonyms: attentive, alert, observant, with it.Absolute Antonyms: imperfect, incomplete, fragmentary, diluted.contingent, conjectural, provisional.partial, limited, restricted, conditional.Absolve Antonyms: accuse, blame, condemn, prosecute, convict.Absorb Antonyms: eliminate, discharge, give out, throw off.bore, weary, tire, pall, cloy, repel.Absorbed Antonyms: waterproof, water-repellent, nonabsorbent, moisture-proof, impermeable, impervious.Abstemious Antonyms: excessive, indulgent, undisciplined, uncontrolled, abandoned.Abstinence Antonyms: indulgence, high living, dissipation, sybaritism, sensuality, abandon.Abstract Antonyms: clear, obvious, simple, easy, uncomplicated.specific, concrete, practical, particular, particularized.Abstracted Antonyms: attentive, alert, responsive, mindful, with it.Abstruse Antonyms: simple, direct, straightforward, obvious, uncomplicated.Abundance Antonyms: poverty, want, privation, need.scarcity, insufficiency, inadequacy, shortage, paucity.Abundant Antonyms: sparse, scarce, wanting, lacking, needful.Abusive Antonyms: helpful, supportive, respectful, laudatory, kind, complimentary.