Antonyms Starting with D
Descent Antonyms: improvement, upgrading, betterment, strengthening, regeneration, gain, increase, amelioration.ascent, climb, mount, rise.Descriptive Antonyms: vague, abstract, unclear, general, nondescript.Desecrate Antonyms: consecrate, hallow, sanctify, purify, enshrine, glorify, exalt.Desert Antonyms: remain, abide, fulfill, stand firm,, civilization, Eden, land of milk and honey.Deserved Antonyms: unwarranted, unfair, unjust, unjustified.Design Antonyms: chaos, anarchy, disorder, chance, purposelessness.Designing Antonyms: guileless, ingenuous, open, spontaneous, forthright, direct.Desirable Antonyms: injurious, damaging, useless, unpleasant, unwanted, unnecessary, deplorable.Desist Antonyms: continue, persist, go on, persevere.Desolate Antonyms: inhabited, populated, bustling, humming, lively.befriended, popular, well-liked, cheerful.Despair Antonyms: hope, courage, spirit, anticipation, optimism, cheerfulness.hope, expect, aspire, look forward to, anticipate.Desperate Antonyms: cautious, prudent, careful, self-protective, sensible.casual, ordinary, effortless, routine.Desperation Antonyms: caution, prudence, sense, wariness, circumspection, thought, consideration.Despicable Antonyms: admirable, commendable, meritorious, praiseworthy, respectable.Despise Antonyms: respect, esteem, admire, value, commend, praise, look up to.Despondency Antonyms: cheerfulness, courage, spirit, lightheadedness, optimism, elation.Despondent Antonyms: cheerful, spirited, optimistic, hopeful, buoyant, happy, up.Despot Antonyms: democrat, egalitarian, humanitarian, leveler.Despotic Antonyms: democratic, egalitarian, flexible, yielding, lax, liberal, humane.Destitute Antonyms: full, replete, plentiful, well-supplied, abundant.well off, affluent, rich, flush, loaded, well-heeled.Destroy Antonyms: create, make, construct, erect, raise.Destruction Antonyms: construction, creation, birth, restoration, renewal, recovery.Destructive Antonyms: constructive, beneficial, helpful, positive, wholesome, good.Desultory Antonyms: methodical, purposeful, focused, steady, regular, pointed.Detach Antonyms: connect, combine, fasten, attach, weld, knit, join.