Synonyms Starting with A
Awakening Synonyms : stimulation, excitement, arousal, agitation, stirring, sparking, revival, renaissance, renascence, rebirth.Award Synonyms : grant, assign, accord, render, pay, compensate, settle, tender.prize, grant, compensation, restitution, damages, payment, settlement, indemnity.bestow, confer, present, reward, give, extend.settlementAware Synonyms : conscious, cognizant, knowing, informed, mindful, apprised, enlightened, sensible, conversant, appreciative, wise to, au courant, hip, tuned in.Awe Synonyms : wonder, solemnity, dread, fear, terror, amazement, astonishment, reverence, admiration, respect, veneration, worship, adoration.Awesome Synonyms : formidable, redoubtable, solemn, impressive, intimidating, fearful, imposing, astonishing, overwhelming, awe-inspiring.Awful Synonyms : disagreeable, unpleasant, disgusting, rotten, miserable, abominable, atrocious, offensive, objectionable, contemptible, despicable, obnoxious, lousy.terrible, dreadful, appalling, horrendous, shockingAwkward Synonyms : clumsy, inept, bungling, maladroit, unskillful, all thumbs, unhandy, artless.ungraceful, ungainly, gawky, oafish, blundering, lumbering, stiff, graceless, gauche, inelegant, uncouth.embarrassing, discAwkwardness Synonyms : gaucherie.Awning Synonyms : canopy, sunshade, marquee, cope, canvas, shade.Awry Synonyms : amiss, astray, wrong, badly, erroneously, faultily, incorrectly, out of whack, out of kilter, off course, off target.askew, aslant, obliquely, crookedly, lopsidedly.Axiom Synonyms : truism, assumption, given, truth, postulate, theorem, principle, rule, law, precept, maxim, dictum.Axiomatic Synonyms : self-evident, assumed, understood, accepted, apodictic, indisputable, unquestioned, given, manifest.aphoristic, epigrammatic, platitudinous.Axis Synonyms : coalition, alliance, affiliation, entente, bloc, league, union.diameter.Axle Synonyms : shaft, spindle, axis, arbor, mandrel.