Synonyms Starting with Y
Yahoo Synonyms : yokel.Yak Synonyms : guffaw, laugh, belly laugh, horselaugh, howl, scream, roar, yuk, yuck,, chitchat, gossip, chatter, talk, heart-to-heart, ttalk, chatter, babble, prattle, gabble, gab, jabber, gas, yackety-yaYammer Synonyms : whine, whimper, fret, complain, grumble, wail, pule, snivel, bleat, grouse, blubber, bawl, clamor, nag, kvetch.Yank Synonyms : jerk, twist, pull, extraction, uprooting, grab, pluck, tug.jerk, pull, grab, wrest, snatch, twist, nab, tug, twitch, wring, pluck, extract, uproot.Yap Synonyms : yelp.jabber.jabber.yelp.mouth.Yard Synonyms : enclosure, courtyard, compound, pale, close, pound, pen, backyard, patio, lawn, garden, grounds.Yardstick Synonyms : criterion, standard, measure, norm, example, touchstone, measuring rod, gauge, rule, test, canon, basis, guide, guideline, exemplar, rule of thumb.Yarn Synonyms : tale, story, anecdote, fabrication, narrative, fiction, reminiscence, adventure, myth, whodunit, thriller, romance, cliffhanger.Yaw Synonyms : pitch, roll, toss, turn, bend, lean, swerve, veer, tack, curve, deviate, zigzag, change course.Yawp Synonyms : yelp.Yearly Synonyms : annual.Yearn For Synonyms : desire, want, ache for, hope for, crave, pine for, wish, hunger for, covet, dream about, long for, thirst for, hanker after, aspire to.Yearning Synonyms : craving, desire, hunger, ache, thirst, hankering, longing, itch, yen, hope, aspiration, ambition, sadness.Years Synonyms : era, time, period, epoch, decade, days, span, age, dynasty, reign, administration, generation.Yeasty Synonyms : frothy, foamy, bubbly, spumy, scummy, lathery, spumous, barmy, sudsy.Yegg Synonyms : thief.Yell Synonyms : shout, scream, yowl, howl, holler, clamor, vociferate, yammer, screech, roar, bark, bellow, bawl, yelp, shriek.shout, shriek, scream, howl, yowl, holler, clamor, screech, bellow, yelp, bark, yammer.Yellow Synonyms : cowardly, craven, mean, dishonorable, untrustworthy, contemptible, weak, sneaky, unreliable, fearful, apprehensive, scared, frightened, chicken.sensational, lurid, muckraking, melodramatic, dirty, cheYelp Synonyms : yip, yap, yawp, squeak, squeal, shriek, bark, howl, screech, cry out.yip, yap, yawp, bark, shriek, squeak, squeal, cry, screech, howl, complaint.Yen Synonyms : appetite, craving, itch, taste, desire, longing, hunger, thirst, fancy, yearning, concupiscence, lust, letch.Yenta Synonyms : gossip.Yeomanly Synonyms : brave, rugged, stout, intrepid, trusty, valiant, courageous, stouthearted, gallant, valorous, tough, dashing, spunky, heroic, gutsy.Yes-man Synonyms : sycophant, toady, bootlicker, fawner, stooge, flunky, henchman, vassal, flatterer, tool, catYet Synonyms : in addition, additionally, besides, moreover, also, to boot, over and above, as well.Yield Synonyms : produce, furnish, bring forth, provide, bear, give, offer, afford, shed, pay, beget, engender, confer, supply.relinquish, surrender, give in, give up, give way, submit, accede, assent, grant, consent,