Synonyms Starting with N
Na Synonyms: naive.Nab Synonyms: arrest, apprehend, pinch, catch, capture, collar, seize, snatch, trap, grab, snag, snare.Nabob Synonyms: millionaire, multimillionaire, billionaire, Croesus, moneybags, nouveau riche, coupon clipper, nawab.Nadir Synonyms: base, foundation, bedrock, floor, bottom, foot, minimum, root, zero, nothing.Nag Synonyms: hack, jade, tit, plug, dobbin.torment, harass, pester, harry, berate, hector, badger, heckle, importune, irritate, annoy, vex, henpeck, carp, harp.scold, pest, kvetch, nuisance, complainer, hector, shNagging Synonyms: persistent, tenacious, continual, continuous, constant, steady, stubborn, repeated.Nail Synonyms: fingernail, claw, talon, hoof, unguis.Naive Synonyms: unsophisticated, simple, ingenuous, natural, unaffected, unsuspecting, artless, guileless, innocent, candid, frank, open, plain, fresh, amateurish, naNaivet Synonyms: simplicity, ingenuousness, naturalness, artlessness, unaffectedness, candor, sincerity, frankness, openness, innocence, greenness, inexperience, childishness, naivety.Naivety Synonyms: naivetNaked Synonyms: defenseless, unprotected, exposed, unguarded, unarmed, vulnerable, pregnable, powerless, helpless, unsafe, precarious.bare, nude, unclothed, undressed, uncovered, stripped, unclad, in the altogether, Namby-pamby Synonyms: wishy-washy, vapid, insipid, dull, insubstantial, mawkish, jejune, sentimental, mediocre, simpering, weak, thin, mushy.Name Synonyms: appellation, title, tag, label, designation, cognomen, nickname, moniker, sobriquet, epithet.reputation, repute, character, credit, fame, worth, note, esteem, distinction, renown, eminence, honor, praNap Synonyms: sleep, doze, snooze, drowse, nod, drop off, catnap, catch forty winks.sleep, doze, snooze, siesta, wink, forty winks, drowse, nod, catnap.pile, shag, fuzz, fluff, hair, bristle, down.Nappy Synonyms: shaggy, velvety, downy, hairy, woolly, fleecy, rough, velutinous.Narcissist Synonyms: egotist.Narcotic Synonyms: soporific, hypnotic, sleep-inducing, somniferous, sedative, opiate, somnolent.Narrate Synonyms: tell, describe, relate, recount, detail, report, recite, chronicle, repeat, recapitulate, retell, portray, set forth.Narration Synonyms: narrative.writing, storytelling, chronicling, emceeing, recounting, recital, description.Narrative Synonyms: story, account, recital, history, chronicle, tale, description, anecdote, report, yarn, saga, narration.Narrator Synonyms: author, writer, storyteller, taleteller, storywriter, raconteur, relater, emcee, anecdotist, chronicler, annalist, romancer, fabulist.Narrow Synonyms: bigoted, illiberal, narrow-minded, small-minded, small, biased, partial, prejudiced, intolerant, petty.slender, slim, thin, tight, tapered, threadlike, fine, spare,, close, circumscribeNarrow-minded Synonyms: prejudiced, bigoted, biased, intolerant, illiberal, small, small-minded, shortsighted, partial, partisan, petty, sectarian, provincial, hidebound, opinionated, arbitrary, little.Nascent Synonyms: beginning, commencing, forming, prime, primal, primitive, aboriginal, introductory, incipient, emerging, dawning, rudimentary, elementary, embryonic, developing, inchoate.Nasty Synonyms: ill-natured, mean, bad-tempered, vicious, spiteful, ugly, disagreeable, unpleasant, hateful, snotty.filthy, disgusting, dirty, foul, unclean, loathsome, impure, defiled, polluted, nauseous, slimy, soi