Synonyms Starting with C
Chafe Synonyms: abrade, inflame, excoriate, scrape, scratch, scrub, fray.irritate, annoy, harass, irk, aggravate, exasperate, nettle, gall, torment, molest.Chaff Synonyms: ridicule.refuse, rubbish, waste, debris, sweepings, junk, leavings, trash, rubble, litter, dross, shoddy.Chaffer Synonyms: haggle, bargain, negotiate, dicker, horse trade, deal, wrangle, barter, trade, truck, cavil, stickle.Chafing Synonyms: galling.Chagrin Synonyms: distress, embarrassment, mortification, dismay, resentment, vexation, frustration, confusion, shame, humiliation, disgruntlement, despair.Chagrined Synonyms: mortified, embarrassed, humiliated, disconcerted, confused, dismayed, vexed, abashed, discountenanced, put out.Chain Synonyms: fasten, shackle, fetter, bind, enchain, leash, strap, hamper.series, train, sequence, succession, suite, row, string, catena.links, fob, braid, cable, rope, string, tie, lace, leash.Chains Synonyms: bondage, captivity, servitude, slavery, thralldom, subjugation, duress, yoke.shackles, fetters, trammels, irons, manacles, bonds, gyves, handcuffs.Chair Synonyms: install, seat, inaugurate, induct, enthrone.preside, moderate, guide, manage, direct,, professorship, chairmanship, appointment,, stool, throne, bench.Chairman Synonyms: speaker, moderator, chair, master of ceremonies, director, supervisor, executive, manager, administrator, arbiter, chairwoman, chairperson.Chairperson Synonyms: chairman.Chalk Up Synonyms: score, attain, achieve, record, note, tally, log, register, obtain, gain, get, earn, win.Chalky Synonyms: cretaceous, crumbly, friable, dusty, powdery.pale, wan, ashen, white, bleached, pallid.Challenge Synonyms: stimulus, spur, provocation, lure, impetus, incentive.question, dispute, object to, query, contest, doubt, impugn.dare, defiance, confrontation, threat, summons, gauntlet.objection, protest, charge, dChamber Synonyms: room, bedroom, boudoir, bedchamber, cubicle, alcove, cell, anteroom, nook, apartment, closet.Champ Synonyms: munch, chew, crunch, gnaw, gnash, nibble, grind, ruminate, browse, bite.Champion Synonyms: defend, stand up for, advocate, plead for, uphold, sustain, justify, guard, assist, support, back up.victor, winner, conqueror, leader, master, paragon, laureate, nonpareil.defender, protector, guardiChampionship Synonyms: supremacy.promotion.Chance Synonyms: risk, wager, hazard, speculate, gamble, dare, venture, bet.luck, providence, fortune, cast, fate, tossup.probability, likelihood, odds, possibility, tendency.risk, hazard, peril, jeopardy, danger.acciChancy Synonyms: risky, dicey, uncertain, speculative, iffy, venturesome, problematical, unreliable, mutable, precarious, dangerous, hazardous.Change Synonyms: alteration, modification, metamorphosis, transition, transposition, shift, innovation, mutation.alter, vary, transform, modify, diversify, modulate, mutate,, substitute, replace,Changeable Synonyms: inconstant, unsteady, wavering, uncertain, variable, vacillating, mercurial, temperamental, protean, labile, capricious, skittish, erratic, fickle, fitful.Changeless Synonyms: constant.Channel Synonyms: groove, tube, passage, trench, furrow, artery, duct, conduit, canal, race, sluice.convey, conduct, pipe, direct, steer, lead, siphon, funnel.Chant Synonyms: intone, sing, cantillate, vocalize, hymn,, recitative, plainsong, hymn, antiphon, melody, tune, trill, lilt, croon, warble.