Synonyms Starting with D
Delegate Synonyms: deputy, representative, agent, envoy, proxy, ambassador, alternate, substitute, surrogate, factor, commissioner, vicar, intermediary, go-between.charge, instruct, empower, authorize, depute, deputize,Delegation Synonyms: embassy, deputation, agency, legation, mission, representation, commission, convention, contingent.Delete Synonyms: take out, omit, cancel, strike out, erase, eradicate, expunge, censor, expurgate, obliterate, dele, abridge, elide, abbreviate, blip.Deleterious Synonyms: injurious, harmful, destructive, detrimental, baneful, pernicious, hurtful, malignant, unwholesome, damaging, bad, ruinous, inimical, corrupting.Deliberate Synonyms: consider, weigh, think about, ponder, reflect, contemplate, cogitate, cerebrate, reason, examine, speculate, study, pore over, mull over.considered, careful, thoughtful, intentional, slow, ponderous, Deliberation Synonyms: thought, consideration, thoughtfulness, care, reflection, contemplation, examination, prudence, judiciousness, cogitation, study, analysis, thoroughness.Deliberative Synonyms: thoughtful.Delicacy Synonyms: sensitivity, sensibility, discrimination, tact, savoir faire, consideration, diplomacy, responsiveness, finesse, refinement, fastidiousness, awareness, cultivation, subtlety, skill.tidbit, dainty, morDelicate Synonyms: considerate, tactful, sensitive, subtle, diplomatic, tender, regardful, caring, careful, responsive.frail, dainty, fragile, vulnerable, feeble, weak, ailing, susceptible, tender, precarious, tenuous, Delicious Synonyms: delectable, tasty, savory, appetizing, mouthwatering, delightful, enjoyable, luscious, refreshing, ambrosial.Delight Synonyms: pleasure, joy, gratification, happiness, felicity, gladness, enchantment, delectation, wellbeing, elation, exhilaration, rapture.Delight In Synonyms: enjoy, relish, like, love, rejoice, appreciate, bask, revel, savor, fancy, thrill to.Delightful Synonyms: pleasurable, charming, pleasant, delectable, enjoyable, agreeable, winning, pleasing, captivating, congenial, enchanting, happy, lovely, peachy, ducky.Delimit Synonyms: bound.Delineate Synonyms: outline, trace, silhouette, draw, pen, limn, diagram, define, draft, blueprint.portray, depict, contour, limn, describe, specify, detail, characterize, sketch.Delineation Synonyms: picture.Delinquency Synonyms: offense, fault, neglect, illegality, immorality, dereliction, misdeed, misconduct, transgression, wrong, sin, crime, violation, default, breach.Delinquent Synonyms: remiss, neglectful, derelict, faulty, negligent, culpable, reprehensible, blameworthy, in the wrong.lawbreaker, offender, wrongdoer, miscreant, culprit, violator, malefactor, perpetrator, scapegrace, Delirious Synonyms: hallucinating, fantasizing, feverish, frenzied, manic, maniacal, intoxicated, demented, deranged, unhinged, disordered, raving, mad, incoherent.Delirium Synonyms: frenzy.Deliver Synonyms: rescue, redeem, liberate, release, extricate, unbind, unfetter, loose, ransom, succor, save, emancipate, recover.throw, pitch, send, administer, give, strike, discharge, emit, toss off, hurl, project,Delivery Synonyms: distribution, transfer, conveyance, bequest, bequeathal, transmission, surrender, passage, consignment.Dell Synonyms: valley.Delude Synonyms: deceive, mislead, trick, fool, hoax, gull, hoodwink, cheat, take in, outwit, dupe, misinform, misrepresent, ensnare, seduce, put on, con.Deluge Synonyms: flood, inundation, torrent, downpour.spate, onrush, cataract, overflow, superabundance, ocean, wave, tide.overwhelm, surfeit, overload, glut, swamp.flood, inundate, drown, engulf, submerge, swamp, dre