Synonyms Starting with I
Implied Synonyms: understood, indicated, tacit, implicit, suggested, presumed, intimated, indirect, insinuated, between the lines.Implore Synonyms: entreat, beseech, plead, beg, solicit, importune, crave, urge, pray for, supplicate.Imply Synonyms: suggest, intimate, hint, insinuate, indicate, connote, allude, import, signify, mean, denote, infer.Impolite Synonyms: discourteous, rude, ill-bred, uncivil, unmannerly, ungracious, unrefined, unpolished.Impolitic Synonyms: tactless.Importance Synonyms: significance, weight, moment, import, concern, consequence, seriousness, stress, emphasis.Important Synonyms: substantial, considerable, weighty, serious, major, powerful, imposing, notable, valuable, prominent, influential, significant, meaningful, decisive, critical.Importunate Synonyms: insistent, demanding, persistent, eager, officious, exigent, pressing, urgent, troublesome.Impose Synonyms: intrude, presume, encroach, trouble, bother, take advantage, thrust, foist, butt in, domineer,, put, lay, set, assign, appoint, prescribe, exact, demand, force, saddle, encumber, burden, iImposing Synonyms: grand, impressive, massive, striking, towering, lofty, monumental, magnificent, eminent, exalted, commanding, stately, majestic.Impossible Synonyms: inconceivable, unthinkable, unreasonable, unimaginable, incredible, unreal.Impostor Synonyms: pretender, impersonator, deceiver, bluff, hypocrite, trickster, charlatan, fraud, cheat, counterfeit, phony.Impotent Synonyms: powerless, weak, feeble, frail, enervated, exhausted, incapacitated, ineffectual, defenseless, incapable, unproductive.Impound Synonyms: imprison.Impoverished Synonyms: poor, indigent, destitute, poverty-stricken, bankrupt, broke.Impracticable Synonyms: impractical.Impractical Synonyms: unrealistic, unfeasible, unworkable, impracticable, inexpedient, unviable, inoperable, theoretical, speculative, imaginative, abstract, farfetched, ideal, quixotic, romantic, starry-eyed, romantic.Imprecation Synonyms: curse, malediction, anathema, execration, profanity, denunciation, vilification.Impregnable Synonyms: unyielding, unassailable, tenable, secure, fast, redoubtable, invulnerable, invincible, unconquerable.Impregnate Synonyms: fertilize, inseminate, fecundate, fructify, engender, beget, get with child.Impress Synonyms: imprint, mark, indent, stamp, press, print, seal, sign, engrave, shape, mold.affect, touch, strike, reach, interest, influence, sway, move, stir, excite.Impression Synonyms: effect, influence, impact, sensation, emotion, idea, view, conception, opinion, sense, notion, hunch, fancy, supposition, remembrance, recollection.mark, imprint, stamp, print, seal, brand, figure, trImpressionable Synonyms: sensitive, responsive, receptive, emotional, susceptible, vulnerable, inexperienced, immature, ingenuous, naive.Impressionistic Synonyms: subjective, evocative, subtle, suggestive, vague, imprecise, sketchy, hazy, delicate, moody.Impressive Synonyms: effective, convincing, serious, remarkable, admirable, grand, magnificent, splendid, wondrous, inspiring, profound, solemn, grave, awesome, overpowering, forcible, striking.