Synonyms Starting with L
Long Synonyms: extended, extensive, stretched, expanded, lengthy, considerable, great.prolonged, protracted, drawn-out, sustained, continuing.copious, multitudinous, numerous, profuse, full, abundant, plentiful.slowLong-range Synonyms: lengthy, long, longish, continuous, long-lasting, long term, protracted, prolonged, extensive, extended.Long-windedness Synonyms: garrulity.Longheaded Synonyms: shrewd.Longiloquence Synonyms: garrulity.Longing Synonyms: craving, yearning, wish, desire, hunger, eagerness, hankering, aspiration.desirous, eager, yearning, craving, pining, wishful, hungry, ardent, anxious, impatient, fervent, avid.Longstanding Synonyms: long-lasting, long-lived, long-established, lasting, long, perennial, perpetual, continual, permanent, immemorial, infinite, ancient.Longwinded Synonyms: verbose, wordy, prolix, garrulous, voluble, windy, gabby, overlong, prolonged, talky, talkative, copious, diffuse, tedious, long, lengthy, rambling, fustian, boring, meandering.Look Synonyms: aspect, expression, demeanor, appearance, mien, manner, air, complexion, face, countenance, bearing, behavior, carriage, cast, guise, expression, effect, semblance.seem, appear, present, show, evidencLook After Synonyms: watch over, care for, mind, tend to, protect, guard, attend to, nurse, keep an eye on, supervise, oversee.Look Down On Synonyms: despise, scorn, misprize, disdain, spurn, contemn, snub, sneer, detest, disregard, undervalue, hold in contempt, high hat.Look Forward To Synonyms: anticipate, look toward, expect, count upon, long for, await, wait for, hope for, look for, rely on.Look Into Synonyms: examine, investigate, inquire, scrutinize, study, inspect, check out, look over, probe, explore, delve, pursue, plumb, dig into, poke into, sound, fathom.Look Like Synonyms: resemble, take after, appear like, favor, duplicate, match, simulate, imitate, parallel, copy, echo, counterfeit, smack of, mimic.Lookalike Synonyms: double, duplicate, twin, equivalent, counterpart, parallel, replica, facsimile, copy, reproduction.Looker-on Synonyms: onlooker.Looking Glass Synonyms: mirror.Lookout Synonyms: post, overlook, citadel, tower.watchfulness, vigilance, attention, readiness, alertness, circumspection, wakefulness, guardedness, prudence, heed, surveillance, awareness, cognizance, mindfulness, preLoom Synonyms: take shape, bulk, hulk, form, appear, arise, ascend, emerge, hover, impend, mount, show, wax, figure, portend, bode, threaten.Loon Synonyms: fool.Loony Synonyms: fool.foolish, erratic, nutty, imbecilic, moronic, irrational, asinine, ludicrous, preposterous, nonsensical, silly, daft, zany, lunatic, demented, mad, crazy, insane.Loop Synonyms: encircle, connect, double, join, knot, bend, twist, turn, furl, hoop, wind, round, curve, whirl, curl, spiral, twirl, coil,, spiral, whorl, twirl, knot, ring, ringlet, eye, eyelet, circuiLooped Synonyms: drunk.Loose Synonyms: friable, grainy, granular, crumbly, powdery, gritty, pulverized, sandy, lumpy, thin, unpacked.slack, lax, careless, uncaring, negligent, neglectful, heedless, remiss, permissive, indulgent, imprudent,Loose-jointed Synonyms: limber.