Synonyms Starting with R
Rancor Synonyms: enmity, malice, spite, hatred, hostility, malevolence, ill will, animosity, bitterness, aversion, antipathy, grudge, venom.Random Synonyms: chance, casual, haphazard, fortuitous, accidental, adventitious, contingent, incidental, unplanned, desultory, irregular, aimless, stray, vagrant.Range Synonyms: extent, scope, reach, compass, limits, latitude, sweep, gamut, area, field, command.order, align, rank, arrange, array, dispose, class, classify, categorize, seriate.move over, wander, roam, course, tRangy Synonyms: slender.Rank Synonyms: utter, total, flagrant, gross, egregious, absolute, complete, glaring, bald, blatant.arrange, align, grade, line up, classify, sort, array, order, range, dispose, class.quality, standing, eminence, poRankle Synonyms: irritate, embitter, chafe, gall, gripe, gnaw, eat away.fester, suppurate, ulcerate.Ransack Synonyms: search, scour, rifle, rummage, comb, search out, strip, sack, plunder, pillage, loot, despoil, ravish.Rant Synonyms: rave, spout, declaim, bellow, vociferate, gibber, babble, carry on, clamor, yell.bombast, rodomontade, swagger, balderdash, fustian, exaggeration, bluster, declamation, fanfaronade, cant, rubbish, nonRap Synonyms: criticize, roast, censure, castigate, lampoon, satirize, assail, attack, ridicule, pillory, blast, knock.hit, slap, strike, cuff, whack, tap, knock, clobber, punch, sock.blow, hit, cuff, tap, slap, whRapacious Synonyms: greedy, grasping, ravening, voracious, wolfish, predatory, thievish, marauding, avaricious, covetous, extortionate, plundering, ravenous.Rape Synonyms: any gross violation or abuse: violation, abuse, despoliation, maltreatment, pillage, rapine, ravaging, plunder, depredation, assault, desecration.ravish, violate, seduce, molest, outrage, attack, debaRapid Synonyms: speedy, swift, fast, fleet, quick, hasty, instantaneous, agile, expeditious, light-footed, express, smart, mercurial.Rapine Synonyms: plunder, pillage, looting, spoiling, ravin, destruction, marauding, depredation, spoliation, rape, robbery, seizure.Rapport Synonyms: accord, harmony, sympathy, affinity, empathy, relation, fellowship, mutuality, compatibility, agreement, understanding.Rapprochement Synonyms: reconciliation.Rapscallion Synonyms: rascal.Rapt Synonyms: enraptured, transported, engrossed, intent, preoccupied, absorbed, fascinated, spellbound, carried away, entranced, enchanted, ecstatic, delighted, inspired, charmed, turned on.Raptorial Synonyms: predatory.Rapture Synonyms: joy, ecstasy, delight, felicity, transport, exultation, delectation, bliss, beatitude, enchantment, passion, rejoicing, ravishment.Rapturous Synonyms: ecstatic, joyful, delighted, exalted, enchanted, perfervid, enraptured, overjoyed, entranced, transported, radiant, blissful, impassioned, turned on, high.Rare Synonyms: choice, fine, excellent, meritorious, distinctive, admirable, first rate, superb, inimitable, elegant, exquisite, incomparable.infrequent, unusual, uncommon, singular, extraordinary, sporadic, scarce,Rarefy Synonyms: refine, purify, attenuate, clarify, clear, cleanse, sublimate, extract, purge, winnow, spin out.Rarely Synonyms: seldom, infrequently, uncommonly, scarcely, occasionally, sparingly, hardly, barely, now and again, once in a while.Raring Synonyms: eager.Rarity Synonyms: uncommonness, scarcity, shortage, sparseness, singularity, unwontedness, infrequency, strangeness.curio, find, marvel, prodigy, treasure, miracle, wonder, spectacle, treasure trove.