Synonyms Starting with A
Admonish Synonyms: scold, reprove, chastise, chide, reprimand, berate, disapprove, rebuke, censure, lecture, take to task, chew out.warn, caution, alert, forewarn, counsel, advise, apprise, make aware, tip off.Admonition Synonyms: reproof.Ado Synonyms: fuss, to-do, trouble, bustle, stir, activity, bother, confusion, disturbance, commotion, excitement, agitation, fluster, goings on.Adolescence Synonyms: youth.Adolescent Synonyms: youth.Adonis Synonyms: god, Greek god, Apollo, charmer, he-man, matinee idol, looker.Adopt Synonyms: appropriate, take, use, employ, utilize, assume, copy, arrogate, affect, swipe.Adorable Synonyms: attractive, charming, lovable, enchanting, precious, sweet, darling, winsome, lovely, fetching, cuddly, cute.Adoration Synonyms: love.worship.Adore Synonyms: love, cherish, dote on, idolize, idealize, admire, rejoice in, applaud.venerate, worship, revere, deify, apotheosize, honor.Adorn Synonyms: ornament, beautify, decorate, embellish, dress up, trim, bedeck, grace, enrich, array, prettify, brighten, emblazon, trick out.Adornment Synonyms: ornamentation.ornament.Adroit Synonyms: skillful, dexterous, dexterous, handy, clever, deft, apt, proficient, expert, nimble, able, practiced, slick.Adroitness Synonyms: dexterity.Adulate Synonyms: flatter.Adulation Synonyms: flattery, fawning, sycophancy, blandishment, bootlicking, fulsomeness, adoration, worship.Adult Synonyms: mature.Adulterate Synonyms: debase, corrupt, degrade, worsen, pollute, spoil, contaminate, water down, weaken, devalue, cheapen, depreciate, attenuate, bastardize.Adumbrate Synonyms: suggest.Advance Synonyms: increase, climb, rise, ascent, escalation, elevation.improvement, progress, headway, betterment, strengthening, advancement, promotion, enhancement, melioration, amelioration, furtherance.propose, preAdvanced Synonyms: leading, precocious, foremost, avant-garde, progressive, pioneering.Advancement Synonyms: promotion.progression.Advantage Synonyms: benefit, gain, asset, boon, profit, help, plus, godsend, avail, improvement, use, blessing, good, service, windfall.superiority, ascendancy, supremacy, edge, head start, power, lead, prestige, predomiAdvantaged Synonyms: privileged, favored, influential, well off, affluent, ascendant, on top, fortunate, prosperous.Advantageous Synonyms: beneficial, profitable, helpful, useful, valuable, expedient, favorable, fortunate, propitious, rewarding, gainful, availing, auspicious.