Synonyms Starting with A
Abut Synonyms : border, touch, join, meet, verge on, impinge on, flank, connect with, neighbor.Abutment Synonyms : support, buttress, brace, strut, prop, pier, rampart, bulwark.Abysmal Synonyms : profound, endless, infinite, immeasurable, incalculable, enormous, boundless, stupendous, overwhelming, unbelievable, consummate, extreme, unparalleled, unimaginable.Abyss Synonyms : chasm, depth, pit, void, nothingness, emptiness, infinitude, endlessness, limbo, unknown, unknowable.Academic Synonyms : collegiate, campus, educational, professorial, scholarly, bookish, instructional, pedantic, curricular, lettered, erudite.theoretical, conjectural, untested, moot, arguable, debatable, suppositional, Accede Synonyms : consent, agree, assent, concur, grant, acquiesce, comply, accept, subscribe, yield, admit, endorse, go along with.Accelerate Synonyms : hasten, hurry, speed, quicken, expedite, step up, rush, precipitate, spur, forward, advance, drive, prod, rev up.Accent Synonyms : stress, emphasis, modulation, intonation, attack, tonality.emphasize, stress, underline, call attention to, italicize, accentuate, feature, mark, hammer, drum, reiterate, dwell on.Accentuate Synonyms : accent.Accept Synonyms : acknowledge, affirm, admit, concur, accede, agree, approve, adopt, go along with, cooperate, buy, swallow, fall for.submit, bow, yield, defer, capitulate.receive, take, acquire, get, gain, obtain, havAcceptable Synonyms : adequate, satisfactory, tolerable, admissible, passable, fair, unobjectionable, par, standard.Acceptance Synonyms : approval.Access Synonyms : approach, entree, entrance, avenue, path, course, door, gateway, key, combination, technique, skill, means, wherewithal.Accessible Synonyms : within reach, nearby, at hand, attainable, possible, achievable, obtainable.friendly, approachable, cordial, available, affable, accommodating, obliging, courteous, democratic.Accession Synonyms : succession.Accessory Synonyms : supplemental, supplementary, additional, extra, auxiliary, secondary, subordinate, helpful, contributory, ancillary, incidental.addition, supplement, extra, plus, help, convenience, afterthought, trimAccident Synonyms : fortuity, inadvertence, random, fluke, freak, happenstance, the unexpected, the unforeseen.chance, fortune, luck, fate, hazard, act of god.misfortune, mishap, contretemps, misadventure, miscarriage, aAccidental Synonyms : fortuitous, unexpected, unforeseen, unanticipated, chance, freak, haphazard, random, adventitious, unpremeditated, unwitting, unintended, unintentional.incidental, subordinate, secondary, nonessentialAcclaim Synonyms : applause, cheers, ovation, acclamation, enthusiasm.applaud, praise, welcome, hail, approve, laud, cheer, salute, extol, celebrate, congratulate.Acclamation Synonyms : acclaim.Acclimated Synonyms : acclimatized, adapted, adjusted, habituated, accustomed, inured, acculturated, accommodated, seasoned, weathered, used to, reconciled.Acclimatized Synonyms : acclimated.Accolade Synonyms : honor, praise, recognition, kudos, applause, acclaim, bouquet, medal, crown, laurel, testimonial, salute, tribute, acclaim, acclamation.Accommodate Synonyms : adapt, modify, adjust, acclimate, acclimatize, reconcile, habituate, accustom, get used to.cater to, lodge, house, put up, quarter.oblige, help, assist, cooperate, aid, serve, befriend, do for, lend aAccommodating Synonyms : helpful, obliging, cooperative, friendly, kind, willing, gracious, considerate, cordial, unselfish, sympathetic.