Synonyms Starting with M
Meantime Synonyms: meanwhile.Meanwhile Synonyms: meantime, in the interim, simultaneously, concurrently.Measly Synonyms: skimpy, paltry, meager, pitiful, pathetic, scanty, wretched, puny, petty.Measurable Synonyms: quantitative, limited, restricted, unexceptional, circumscribed, restrained, unexcessive, temperate, moderate, reasonable.Measure Synonyms: dimensions, extent, proportions, size, range, reach, portion, largeness, capacity, volume, spread, amplitude.action, course, step, proceeding, operation, shift, means, expedient, device.calculate, comMeasure Up Synonyms: equal, match, compare, correspond, come up, amount, fulfill, parallel, tie, rival, vie with.Measured Synonyms: slow, sedate, gradual, deliberate, considered, balanced, weighed, studied, calculated, grave, solemn, sober, stately.restrained, limited, due, controlled, tempered, moderate, proper, frugal, sparing.Measureless Synonyms: unlimited, incalculable, immeasurable, endless, boundless, immense, infinite, eternal, everlasting.Measurement Synonyms: calculation, computation, quantification, mensuration, measure, gauging, enumeration, rating, determination, assessment, evaluation.Meat Synonyms: food, victuals, edibles, provender, comestibles, fare, eats, chow, grub, feed, meal.flesh, game, viands.essence, gist, kernel, pith, nub, heart, marrow, stuff, sum and substance, core, nucleus.Meatball Synonyms: fool.Meaty Synonyms: stimulating, suggestive, pointed, pregnant, profound, deep, pithy, eloquent, meaningful, significant, substantial.Mecca Synonyms: goal, destination, aim, target, end, shrine, sanctuary.Mechanical Synonyms: lifeless, lackluster, expressionless, blank, phlegmatic, emotionless, dull, insensible, leaden, matter-of-fact.routine, habitual, automatic, automated, programmatic, machinelike, reflex, involuntary, Mechanism Synonyms: process, procedure, method, system, means, medium, agency, instrumentality, program, way, technique, execution, technic.machine.mechanics, workings, operation, functioning, action.Medal Synonyms: medallion, award, decoration, insignia, ribbon, riband, laurel, citation, prize, honor, reward, wreath, blue ribbon, star.Medallion Synonyms: medal.Meddle Synonyms: interfere, intervene, intrude, butt in, tamper, mix in, obtrude, intermeddle, interject, put in, kibitz, horn in.Meddler Synonyms: busybody, snoop, pest, kibitzer, interferer, quidnunc, troublemaker, talebearer, gossip, prier, buttinsky, yenta.Meddlesome Synonyms: intrusive, officious, obtrusive, pushing, forward, impertinent, audacious, bothersome, kibitzing, meddling, interfering, prying, pushy.Medial Synonyms: ordinary.Mediate Synonyms: settle, reconcile, intercede, intervene, referee, pacify, moderate, negotiate, arbitrate, propitiate, interpose, interfere, step in, compromise.Mediation Synonyms: intercession, interposition, intervention, peacemaking, pacification, conciliation, arbitration, negotiation, appeasement, reconciliation, parley, instrumentality.Medical Synonyms: medicinal, restorative, medicative, sanative, remedial, therapeutic, healing, curative.clinical, iatric, therapeutic, diagnostic, professional.Medicament Synonyms: medicine.