Synonyms Starting with M
Melody Synonyms: tunefulness, euphony, mellifluousness, music, harmoniousness, concord, tune, strain, air, trilling.Melt Synonyms: fuse, dissolve, liquefy, thaw, deliquesce, disintegrate.disappear, dissipate, fade, disperse, vanish, evaporate, erode.relent, mollify, soften, pacify, disarm, appease, warm.Member Synonyms: limb, organ, appendage, part, segment, division, section.element, component, part, ingredient, factor, piece, division, constituent.enrollee, fellow, associate, initiate, registrant, constituent, unitMembership Synonyms: rank and file, body, roster, members, associates, community, constituency, company, population, personnel, society.Membrane Synonyms: sheet, film, tissue, web, layer, envelope, sheath, covering, coat, flap, coating, lining, pellicle, skin, integument, leaf.Memento Synonyms: souvenir, keepsake, remembrance, token, memorial, reminder, relic, gift, trophy, record, sign, memory.Memo Synonyms: memorandum.Memoir Synonyms: report.Memoirs Synonyms: autobiography, journal, memories, recollections, reminiscences, confessions, adventures, experiences, diary, life, story, reflections, holograph.Memorable Synonyms: noteworthy, historic, momentous, significant, important, red-letter, notable, signal, crucial, impressive, unforgettable, extraordinary, great.Memorandum Synonyms: note, record, memo, reminder, aide-mMemorial Synonyms: commemorative, retrospective, celebrative, remindful, honoring, reminiscent, perpetuating, ritual, celebrating, immortalizing, eulogizing, hallowed, solemn, preserving.Memorialize Synonyms: commemorate.Memory Synonyms: remembrance, recollection, reminiscence, recall, recreation, recognition, mnemonics.commemoration, remembrance, celebration, memorial, honor, tribute, testimonial, immortalization.Menace Synonyms: threaten, imperil, portend, impend, forebode, lower, overhang, presage, augur, intimidate.peril, danger, threat, warning, endangerment, intimidation, threatening, troublemaker, risk, plague.Menacing Synonyms: threatening, dire, dangerous, fearful, dreadful, ominous, portentous, impending, appalling, intimidating, frightful, fateful, awful, terrible.Mend Synonyms: heal, recuperate, cure, restore, moderate, abate.reform, improve, rectify, correct, ameliorate,, patch, fix, recondition, overhaul, restore.Mendacious Synonyms: deceitful, lying, dishonest, untruthful, false, fraudulent, deceptive, storytelling, dissembling, guileful, tricky, double-dealing.Mendicant Synonyms: beggar.Menial Synonyms: servile, base, subservient, fawning, slavish, obsequious, ingratiating, meek.servant, domestic, underling, factotum, retainer, laborer, lackey, slavey, drudge, attendant.humble, lowly, routine, tediouMenopause Synonyms: change of life, climacteric.Mental Synonyms: psychiatric, disoriented, irrational, disturbed, psychotic, mad, insane.cerebral, intellectual, meditative, thoughtful, conscious, reflective, rational, thinking, reasoning.Mentality Synonyms: outlook, attitude, set, bias, cast, disposition, makeup, constitution, psychology, consciousness, temperament, personality, character, point of view.Mention Synonyms: speak of, allude, name, instance, specify, refer to, observe, say, remark, enumerate.reference, naming, allusion, comment, word, observation, remark, utterance, inkling.citation, selection, nominationMentor Synonyms: teacher, guide, counselor, guru, big brother, advisor, protector, sponsor, coach, tutor, master, swami, pundit.