Synonyms Starting with M
Mephitic Synonyms: foul.Mercantile Synonyms: commercial, trade, trading, business, merchant, merchandising.Mercenary Synonyms: greedy, venal, avaricious, materialistic, self-seeking, corrupt, acquisitive, bribable, purchasable, sordid.soldier of fortune, adventurer, hireling, hessian, freelance.hired, paid, purchased.Merchandise Synonyms: trade, deal, market, distribute, traffic, sell, promote, push, handle.goods, wares, commodities, stock, products, articles, staples, produce.Merchant Synonyms: tradesman, tradeswoman, storekeeper, trader, dealer, salesman, saleswoman, shopkeeper, businessman, businesswoman, entrepreneur, retailer, vendor, hawker, bourgeois, capitalist.Merchantable Synonyms: commercial.Merciful Synonyms: compassionate, humane, lenient, clement, softhearted, gentle, tender, mild, forgiving, gracious, kind, sympathetic.Merciless Synonyms: pitiless, implacable, relentless, heartless, cruel, ruthless, inhumane, unrelenting, unmerciful, remorseless, ferocious, callous, fell, fierce.Mercurial Synonyms: volatile, changeable, capricious, fickle, inconstant, unstable, flighty.lively, quick, ingenious, nimble, vivacious, sprightly, eloquent, lighthearted.Mercy Synonyms: compassion, benevolence, kindness, forbearance, pity, charity, grace, clemency, lenity, forgiveness.godsend, blessing, boon, benison, windfall, grace.Mere Synonyms: poolonly, nothing but, utter, simple, sheer, unadorned, bare, pure, stark.Meretricious Synonyms: tawdry, specious, garish, flashy, gaudy, tinsel, pinchbeck, sham, spurious, paste, false, bogus, plastic.Merge Synonyms: blend, coalesce, fuse, amalgamate, integrate, mingle, weld, mix, combine, unite, unify, desegregate.Merger Synonyms: consolidation, amalgamation, combine, cartel, conglomerate, union, confederation, alliance, incorporation, syndicate, trust, pool.Meridian Synonyms: zenith, culmination, peak, acme, climax, high noon, flood tide, flowering, golden age, summit, pinnacle, crest, apex.Merit Synonyms: worth, virtue, value, integrity, excellence, quality, good.worthiness, desert, meed, due, title, right, claim.Meritorious Synonyms: praiseworthy, deserving, estimable, laudable, admirable, first rate, excellent, exemplary, commendable, creditable, good.Merlin Synonyms: magician.Merriment Synonyms: gaiety, mirth, hilarity, glee, fun, jocularity, levity, jollity, cheer, joy, sport, joviality, laughter, frolic, merrymaking.Merry Synonyms: mirthful, cheery, blithe, gay, jovial, joyful, high-spirited, jolly, gleeful, fun-loving, frolicsome, jocund, vivacious, lighthearted, happy.Merry-andrew Synonyms: clown.Merry-go-round Synonyms: carousel, whirligig, roundabout.Merrymaking Synonyms: merriment.Mesh Synonyms: engage, fit together, connect, catch, interlock, align, meet, dovetail,, plexus, reticulation, web, screen, sieve, netting,, interstice, grid, aperture, opening, hole.Mesmerize Synonyms: fascinate, enthrall, hypnotize, transfix, dominate, spellbind, bewitch, captivate, entrance, transport, charm.