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All Over Synonyms : finished, done with, ended, over, past and gone, dead, buried, at an end, fini, washed up.All Right Synonyms : satisfactory, adequate, passable, acceptable, okay, up to snuff, standard, up to par, average, unobjectionable.unharmed, uninjured, intact, sound, well, unhurt, unimpaired, undamaged, in one piece, un...All-around Synonyms : versatile.All-important Synonyms : crucial, decisive, necessary, vital, critical, essential, overriding, indispensable, imperative, obligatory, pressing, fundamental, almighty, dominant, cardinal, chief.All-out Synonyms : thorough, total, maximum, supreme, unstinted, unrestrained, undivided, unremitting, optimum, thoroughgoing, full, unlimited, complete, utmost.All-purpose Synonyms : versatile.Allay Synonyms : mitigate, alleviate, calm, relieve, vitiate, pacify, soothe, hush, quiet, temper, ease, assuage, mollify, moderate.Allegation Synonyms : assertion, accusation, charge, claim, impugnment, statement, deposition, attack, complaint, indictment, impeachment, imputation, incrimination, aspersion.Allege Synonyms : assert, affirm, declare, charge, state, posit, indict, impeach, impute, incriminate, maintain, attribute, avow, profess, impugn.Alleged Synonyms : hypothetical.Allegiance Synonyms : loyalty, fealty, fidelity, faithfulness, adherence, constancy, homage, respect, obedience, deference.Allegory Synonyms : parable, fable, symbol, metaphor, representation, myth, folk tale, emblem, trope, image, icon, totem, abstraction, depiction, illustration.Allergic Synonyms : sensitive, susceptible, hypersensitive, sensitized, anaphylactic.Alleviate Synonyms : lighten, ease, mitigate, soften, relieve, lessen, temper, allay, decrease, reduce, remedy, moderate, abate, lift.Alleviation Synonyms : relief.Alley Synonyms : passageway, passage, dead end, cul-de-sac, aisle, lane, walk, avenue, path, way, pathway, promenade, esplanade.Alliance Synonyms : treaty, pact, understanding, agreement, arrangement, accord, concordat, league, affiliation, merger, bloc, pool, cartel, union, marriage.kinship, relationship, affinity, similarity, tie, connection, l...Allied Synonyms : affiliated, united, joined, joint, merged, connected, coordinated, amalgamated, federated, wed, bound.Allocate Synonyms : earmark, designate, set apart, set aside, apportion, allot, allow, assign, mete, deal, distribute, divide, share, parcel out.Allocation Synonyms : allotment.Allot Synonyms : allocate.Allotment Synonyms : portion, share, part, deal, fraction, parcel, percent, allowance, allocation, piece, ration, lot, measure, quota.Allow Synonyms : permit, let, tolerate, suffer, authorize, entitle, give, vouchsafe, empower, license, put up with, submit, accede to, stand for.confess, concede, admit, acknowledge, grant, own to, own up, declare, ac...Allowance Synonyms : allotment, share, stipend, income, ration, subsidy, quota, payment, dividend, annuity, dispensation, honorarium, fee, appropriation, dole, spending money, pocket money, pin money.Allude To Synonyms : hint, imply, insinuate, intimate, suggest, refer to, indicate, mention, speak of, point to, designate, touch on.