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Advantageous Synonyms: beneficial, profitable, helpful, useful, valuable, expedient, favorable, fortunate, propitious, rewarding, gainful, availing, auspicious.Advent Synonyms: arrival, appearance, occurrence, coming, onset, beginning.Adventitious Synonyms: accidental, extrinsic, incidental, supplemental, chance, superficial, fortuitous, unplanned, serendipitous.Adventure Synonyms: escapade, lark, prank, caper, occurrence, incident, episode, happening, affair.Adventurer Synonyms: fortune hunter, social climber, mercenary, knave, charlatan, opportunist, careerist, gold digger.hero, heroine, daredevil, don Quixote, giant killer, wanderer, traveler, pioneer, dragon slayer, romant...Adventuresome Synonyms: adventurous.Adventurous Synonyms: venturesome, daring, devil-may-care, daredevil, thrill-seeking, enterprising, quixotic, audacious, rash, picaresque, curious, questing, romantic, adventuresome.Adversary Synonyms: opponent, antagonist, foe, enemy, rival, competitor, combatant.Adverse Synonyms: damaging, harmful, detrimental, destructive, pernicious, undermining, prejudicial, unpropitious, bad, injurious, grievous.opposing, opposed, opposite, counter, contrary, conflicting, antagonistic, ini...Adversity Synonyms: misfortune, ill luck, hardship, hard times, trial, suffering, affliction, tribulation, misery, trouble, vexation, heavy weather.Advert Synonyms: heed.refer.Advertise Synonyms: publish, proclaim, announce, broadcast, tout, sell, publicize, push, promote, puff, air, feature, build up, spotlight, ballyhoo.Advertisement Synonyms: ad, notice, announcement, commercial, buildup, promotion, puffery, poster, come-on.Advice Synonyms: notification, information, news, report, communique, communication, intelligence, tidings, enlightenment.counsel, suggestion, tip, hint, caution, guidance, tipoff, warning, admonishment, recommendatio...Advisable Synonyms: recommended, suggested, expedient, wise, suitable, sensible, desirable, tried and true, practical, effective, fitting, prudent, discreet.Advise Synonyms: counsel, recommend, guide, steer, tip off, suggest, admonish, urge, caution, preach, exhort, advocate.Advise Of Synonyms: inform, notify, enlighten, apprise, give notice, acquaint, make known, tell, send word, instruct, communicate, state, declare.Advisement Synonyms: consideration.Adviser Synonyms: counselor, guide, mentor, guru, teacher, instructor, director, tutor, consultant, pilot, vade mecum.Advocacy Synonyms: promotion.Advocate Synonyms: lawyer.defender, supporter, champion, abettor, adherent, ally, backer, booster, subscriber, spokesman, proponent, propagandist, apologist, promoter, fan.favor, support, defend, uphold, back, champion,...Aegis Synonyms: auspices, sponsorship, patronage, support, backing, advocacy, favor, guardianship, protection, endorsement, wing, banner.Aerial Synonyms: antenna.Aesthete Synonyms: connoisseur.Affability Synonyms: cordiality.