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Anemic Synonyms: pale.Anent Synonyms: about.Anesthetic Synonyms: analgesic, anodyne, painkiller, narcotic, opiate, soporific, sedative, nepenthe.Anew Synonyms: again.Angel Synonyms: spirit, cherub, seraph, archangel.benefactor, supporter, backer, patron, subsidizer, sponsor, endorser, guarantor, investor, underwriter.saint, ideal, paragon, darling, dear, beauty, dream, treasure.Angelic Synonyms: saintly, virtuous, pure, perfect, ideal, lovely, beautiful, heavenly, divine, adorable, innocent, chaste, cherubic.Anger Synonyms: wrath, ire, fury, rage, indignation, irritation, annoyance, vexation, pique, petulance, resentment, umbrage, outrage, offense, dander, dudgeon, bile, spleen, choler, huff.enrage, infuriate, vex, irk, ...Angle Synonyms: viewpoint, perspective, orientation, aspect, position, slant, frame of reference, point of view, angle for solicit, wangle, cast about, fish, hunt, finagle, maneuver, contrive, scheme, seek.Angler Synonyms: fisherman, fisher, piscator.Angry Synonyms: threatening, ominous, lowering, stormy, dark, turbulent, tempestuous, blusterous.wrathful, furious, irate, enraged, mad, infuriated, incensed, vexed, indignant, choleric, boiling, irritated, annoyed, ...Angst Synonyms: anxiety.Anguish Synonyms: agony, torment, torture, suffering, woe, pain, distress, sorrow, pang, grief, misery, heartbreak, despair, heartache.Angular Synonyms: bony, gaunt, lanky, rawboned, lean, scrawny, skinny, spindly, skin and bones.Anile Synonyms: infirm.Animadversion Synonyms: disapproval, censure, rebuke, criticism, condemnation, reproach, blame, reprimand, faultfinding, knock, pan, reflection, rap.Animadvert Synonyms: criticize.Animal Synonyms: creature, beast, brute, mammal, nonhuman.Animate Synonyms: activate, quicken, vivify, energize, enliven, spark, galvanize, vitalize, invigorate, awaken.incite, inspire, kindle, fire, spark, encourage, stimulate, arouse, spur.Animated Synonyms: lively, spirited, vivacious, energetic, enthusiastic, vigorous, dynamic, vital, ebullient, buoyant, hearty.Animation Synonyms: spirit.Animosity Synonyms: hostility, animus, enmity, hatred, ill will, dislike, bitterness, rancor, bad blood, antipathy, strife, antagonism.Animus Synonyms: animosity.Annals Synonyms: chronicles, archives, chronologies, records, history, documents, journals, registers.Anneal Synonyms: temper, toughen, harden, steel, strengthen, indurate, caseharden.Annex Synonyms: add, append, attach, affix, connect, tack on, join, appose.extension, addition, wing, branch, arm, attachment, ell.