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Apply Synonyms: pertain, refer, regard, relate, fit, suit, involve, concern, deal with, have to do with, connect.administer, lay on, spread, rub, pour, smear, place, anoint.of oneself: devote, dedicate, engage, invol...Appoint Synonyms: designate, select, name, choose, hire, nominate, commission, assign, depute, deputize, engage, arrange, set, determine, establish.Appointed Synonyms: equipped, outfitted, furnished, supplied, fitted, endowed, arrayed, provided, accoutered.Appointment Synonyms: engagement, date, rendezvous, meeting, booking, assignation, tryst.designation, selection, assignment, placement, employment, nomination, naming.position, job, office, post, station, situation, commis...Appointments Synonyms: accessories, equipment, furnishings, accouterments, appurtenances, fittings, trappings, paraphernalia.Apportion Synonyms: allot, parcel, allocate, ration, dispense, mete, dole, measure out, distribute, deal, share.Appose Synonyms: annex.Apposite Synonyms: appropriate, pertinent, apt, fitting, relevant, applicable, suitable, apropos, to the point, befitting.Appraisal Synonyms: evaluation, estimate, rating, assessment, assay, valuation, judgment, opinion.Appraise Synonyms: evaluate, assess, estimate, judge, assay, price, value, rate, size up, gauge, calculate, figure.Appreciable Synonyms: noticeable, discernible, perceptible, measurable, considerable, substantial, significant, estimable, material, pronounced.Appreciate Synonyms: acknowledge, recognize, credit, thank.value, prize, esteem, treasure, regard, admire, cherish, enjoy, savor, relish, like, dig.gain, advance, grow, boost, raise, inflate, enhance, upgrade, soar.Appreciation Synonyms: esteem, regard, respect, admiration, enjoyment, delight, pleasure, understanding, awareness, sensitivity, responsiveness.gratitude, acknowledgment, thankfulness, recognition.growth, advance, bullishne...Appreciative Synonyms: aware, pleased, cognizant, sympathetic, conscious, grateful, thankful, mindful, sensitive, responsive, hip.Apprehend Synonyms: comprehend, understand, grasp, perceive, know, discern, realize, appreciate, follow, recognize.seize, arrest, capture, confine, incarcerate, imprison, jail, collar, nab, pinch.Apprehensible Synonyms: comprehensible.Apprehension Synonyms: foreboding, premonition, anxiety, dread, fear, doubt, misgiving, disquiet, worry, uneasiness, suspicion, alarm.seizure, arrest, capture, incarceration, collar.Apprehensive Synonyms: anxious, fearful, nervous, afraid, suspicious, uneasy, alarmed, disquieted, on edge, edgy, jumpy.Apprentice Synonyms: novice, neophyte, learner, beginner, tyro, student, freshman, greenhorn, recruit, rookie.Apprise Synonyms: notify, inform, advise, tell, brief, warn, enlighten, disclose, acquaint, admonish.Approach Synonyms: approximate, match, resemble, compare, meet, parallel.method, means, procedure, system, measure, way, modus operandi.advance, near, gain on, converge, reach, bear down upon, meet, verge.Approachable Synonyms: accessible, attainable, open, congenial, outgoing, friendly, communicative, cordial, receptive, affable.Approbation Synonyms: approval, commendation, favor, praise, acceptance, support, sanction, endorsement.Appropriate Synonyms: proper, suitable, fitting, seemly, fit, becoming, meet, apt, apposite, appurtenant, relevant, right, applicable, germane, legitimate.confiscate, seize, usurp, expropriate, take over, attach, adopt, an...Appropriation Synonyms: allocation, funds, allowance, budget, allotment, expenditure, stipend.seizure.