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Armistice Synonyms : truce, ceasefire, peace, cessation, moratorium.Armor Synonyms : shield, protection, cover, bulwark, armature, helmet, mail, breastplate, plate.Armory Synonyms : arsenal.Armpit Synonyms : axilla, underarm.Arms Synonyms : weaponry, armaments, munitions, ordnance, materiel, artillery, ammunition.warfare, war, battle, conflict, hostilities, aggression.Aroma Synonyms : fragrance, scent, perfume, redolence, bouquet, incense, savor, odor, smell.Aromatic Synonyms : fragrant, spicy, odoriferous, savory, balmy, piquant, pungent, redolent.Aromatize Synonyms : flavor.Arouse Synonyms : excite, inflame, incite, provoke, stimulate, agitate, stir up, whip up, move, spur, goad, spark, instigate, pique.awaken, waken, awake, wake, rouse, revive, bestir.Arraign Synonyms : accuse, charge, prosecute, call to account, indict, hold responsible, blame, incriminate.Arrange Synonyms : order, rank, organize, align, tidy, straighten, form, design, position.plan, prepare, devise, draw up, plot, map out, organize, prearrange, set up.settle, work out, adjust, fix, resolve, straighten ou...Arrangement Synonyms : design, form, structure, system, pattern, style, manner, makeup, composition, organization, configuration.preparation, plan, setup, scheme, disposition, settlement, adjustment, resolution.Arrant Synonyms : egregious, flagrant, unspeakable, gross, glaring, complete, deplorable, notorious, disgraceful, despicable, base, unmitigated, rank.Array Synonyms : order, neatness, orderliness, arrangement, marshaling, formation, disposition, lineup, alignment.turnout, showing, gathering, assembly, crowd, parade, display, throng.Arrest Synonyms : detention, capture, apprehension, collar, incarceration.apprehend, capture, seize, catch, detain, nab, pinch, bust, collar, jail, imprison, incarcerate.halt, stop, check, stay, hinder, inhibit, obstru...Arresting Synonyms : notable, striking, interesting, engaging, engrossing, fascinating, remarkable, intriguing, gripping.Arrival Synonyms : entrance, attainment, advent, coming, debarkation, landing, approach, return, access, homecoming, appearance.newcomer, comer, entrant, caller, visitor, passenger.Arrive Synonyms : succeed, prosper, make good, make one's mark, make the big time, hit the jackpot, go places.come, appear, return, attain, reach, enter, show up, land, disembark, debark.Arriviste Synonyms : parvenu, nouveau riche, upstart, social climber.Arrogance Synonyms : conceit.Arrogant Synonyms : haughty, overbearing, conceited, proud, disdainful, supercilious, high and mighty, uppish, snobbish, imperious, egotistic, presumptuous, assuming.Arrogate Synonyms : assume, usurp, appropriate, presume, claim, demand, seize, take over, impute, ascribe, allege, blame.Arrogation Synonyms : seizure.Arrow Synonyms : dart, spear, shaft, missile, projectile, bolt, streak, shot, pointer.Arsenal Synonyms : armory, depot, dump, magazine, depository, storehouse, stockpile, cache, pile, supply, stock, store, hoard.