Synonyms Starting with M
Malformed Synonyms: deformed.Malfunction Synonyms: breakdown, failure, fault, flaw, snag, glitch, impairment.Malice Synonyms: spite, ill will, maliciousness, bitterness, rancor, malevolence, hate, hatred, aversion, malignity, antipathy, animosity, hostility, antagonism.Malicious Synonyms: spiteful, vicious, harmful, hateful, treacherous, viperous, hostile, malignant, wanton, merciless, ruthless, pernicious, vindictive, diabolical, baleful, evil.Malign Synonyms: slander, vilify, defame, revile, abuse, disparage, calumniate, denigrate, traduce, blacken, slur, depreciate, discredit, smear.malevolent.Malignancy Synonyms: rancor, virulence, malice, spite, ill will, bile, distemper, gall, venom, truculence.cancer, carcinoma, tumor, growth.Malignant Synonyms: spiteful, vile, ill-intentioned, baleful, evil, malicious, harmful, hurtful, detrimental, vicious, wicked, malign, dire.cancerous, metastatic, tumorous, malign, virulent.Malignity Synonyms: malice.Malingerer Synonyms: shirker, idler, do nothing, quitter, slacker, goldbrick, welsher, faker, loafer.Malleable Synonyms: docile, impressionable, compliant, susceptible, trainable, teachable, formable, pliant, pliable, moldable, flexible, responsive, receptive, ready, willing.Malodorous Synonyms: foul, smelly, stinking, noxious, reeking, noisome, rank, high, strong, obnoxious, fetid, vile, putrid, rancid, rotten, putrescent, offensive.Malpractice Synonyms: wrong, error, offense, dereliction, wrongdoing, misconduct, malfeasance, abuse, misdeed, transgression, ill-treatment, misuse, mismanagement, misbehavior.Maltreat Synonyms: mistreat.Mamma Synonyms: mother.Mammon Synonyms: riches, wealth, profit, gain, gold, lucre, materialism, worldliness.Mammoth Synonyms: colossal, gigantic, huge, immense, massive, enormous, titanic, gargantuan, prodigious, stupendous, elephantine, ponderous, monstrous.Mammy Synonyms: mother.Man Synonyms: male, youth, fellow, gentleman, chap, guy, employee, hired hand, assistant, member, menial, servant, manservant, attendant, boy, lad, valet, retainer.mankind.human being, human, person, individual, beManacle Synonyms: handcuff, cuff, iron, shackle, fetter, bond, chain, trammel.Manage Synonyms: manipulate, handle, use, control, maneuver, engineer, wangle, make use of, utilize, wield, apply, work,, conduct, supervise, administer, carry on, control, operate, work, run, head, leadManageable Synonyms: governable, tractable, yielding, submissive, docile, acquiescent, compliant, untroublesome, obedient, pliant, pliable, tame, wieldy, handy, convenient.Management Synonyms: authorities, government, leadership, administration, direction, directorate, board, regime, ins, the establishment.operation, direction, control, regulation, supervision, jurisdiction, handling, runniManager Synonyms: director, head, leader, supervisor, chief, administrator, overseer, superintendent, foreman, boss, conductor, governor, chairman, honcho.Mandarin Synonyms: pundit, sage, master, guru, authority, oracle, Brahmin, savant, scholar, nestor, intellectual, highbrow, egghead.Mandate Synonyms: command, order, injunction, directive, instructions, commandment, writ, direction, bidding, behest, summons, dictate, charge, commission, warrant, license, authorization.