Synonyms Starting with M
Marking Synonyms: coloring, mark, patch, brand, score, blaze, spot, blot, stain, speck.Maroon Synonyms: abandon, desert, cast away, leave behind, quit, forsake, jettison.Marriage Synonyms: matrimony, wedlock, match, union, wedding, nuptials, nuptial rites, spousal.linking, combination, coupling, union, junction, tie-in, liaison.Marriageable Synonyms: nubile, unmarried, mature, marriable, single, unwed, eligible.Married Synonyms: conjugal, connubial, nuptial, matrimonial, hymeneal, marital, wedded, united, hitched, mated, yoked.Marrow Synonyms: core, essence, kernel, gist, nub, pith, nucleus, center, substance, matter, essential, heart, soul, spirit.Marry Synonyms: wed, espouse.Marsh Synonyms: swamp, marshland, estuary, bog, moor, everglade, fen, bottoms, mud, mire, sump, slough, morass, quagmire, quicksand.Marshal Synonyms: organize, arrange, collect, order, compose, systematize, coordinate, group, line up, dispose, distribute, fix, array, rally.deputy, adjutant, chief of staff, officer, coordinator.Marshy Synonyms: swampy, boggy, oozy, spongy, squashy, squishy, miry, soggy, muddy.Mart Synonyms: market.Martial Synonyms: military, soldierly, militant, combative, Spartan, warlike, belligerent, bellicose.Martinet Synonyms: disciplinarian, taskmaster, slave driver, stickler, authoritarian, drillmaster, dictator, despot, tyrant, simon legree.Martyr Synonyms: persecute, torment, hound, harass, plague, molest, beset, afflict, aggravate, harrow, torture, punish, rack.Marvel Synonyms: wonder, gape, stare.wonder, phenomenon, astonishment, sensation, spectacle, curiosity, rarity, prodigy, miracle, sign, mystery, whiz.Marvelous Synonyms: supernatural, preternatural, unearthly, fantastic, incredible, abnormal, fabulous, spiritual, psychic, transcendental, miraculous, wonderworking, inexplicable, mysterious.remarkable, exceptional, amazMascot Synonyms: charm, totem, pet, fetish, talisman, amulet.Mash Synonyms: crush, squash, pulp, macerate, smash, crunch, pulverize, grind, thrash, mill, grate, pound, beat, stamp.pulp, mush, paste, squash, sauce, hash, dough, stew, mishmash, mess, potpourri, farrago.Mask Synonyms: disguise, false front, image, face, facade, window dressing, camouflage, guise, cloak, veil.hide, conceal, disguise, cloak, veil, screen, obscure, camouflage, cover up, falsify, misrepresent.shield, sMasque Synonyms: masquerade.Masquerade Synonyms: disguise, mummery, deceit, hypocrisy, false front, dissimulation, affectation, show, pomp, bluster, deception, imposture.pose, pretend, dissemble, dissimulate, disguise, pass for, impersonate, simulatMass Synonyms: assemblage, aggregate, accumulation, collection, concretion, pile, quantity, batch, bunch, pack, group, heap, load.majority, bulk, preponderance, most, best part, generality, plurality.size, extent, bMassacre Synonyms: slaughter, bloodbath, carnage, butchery, bloodletting, mass murder, decimation, liquidation, purge, genocide, pogrom.slaughter, butcher, decimate, exterminate, murder, kill, liquidate, purge, annihilaMassage Synonyms: rub down, manipulate, knead, flex, stretch.rubdown, kneading, manipulation, chiropractic.Masses Synonyms: people, populace, multitude, commonalty, folk, common folk, lower classes, proletariat, crowd, rabble, mob, hoi polloi, plebeians.